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NVIDIA and AMD send out new drivers for their current graphics cards at roughly monthly intervals. These often improve performance, especially on the latest AAA games…except when they don’t.

NVIDIA和AMD每隔大约一个月就为其当前的显卡发出新的驱动程序。 这些通常可以提高性能,尤其是在最新的AAA游戏上……除非不是。

On occasion, a GPU driver will actually cause a big performance hit instead, sometimes coming along with game crashes or even complete shutdowns. One such update actually totaled a Windows installation and I had to completely reset my PC.

有时,GPU驱动程序实际上会造成严重的性能下降,有时会导致游戏崩溃甚至完全关闭。 这样的更新实际上总共是Windows安装,我不得不完全重置我的PC。

What’s to be done when the latest driver doesn’t play nice with your game or system? It’s a pretty straightforward process. You have a few options: install the driver cleanly, roll back to the previous version, or—the nuclear option—reinstall your operating system altogether.

如果最新的驱动程序在您的游戏或系统上播放不佳,该怎么办? 这是一个非常简单的过程。 您有几种选择:干净安装驱动程序,回滚到以前的版本,或者(作为核心选项)完全重新安装操作系统。

开始之前:设置系统还原点 (Before You Start: Make a System Restore Point)

Newer versions of Windows make a , a pre-saved image of your operating system that lets you roll back to a stable point, every time you install a new version of an application. That applies to your graphics card driver, too—they’re released as giant executable files, after all. But it doesn’t hurt to double-check this option and make a manual backup point, just in case. If you’re worried about new drivers wrecking your system, it’s a good habit to get into.

较新版本的Windows会创建 ,它是操作系统的预先保存的映像,使您可以在每次安装新版本的应用程序时回滚到稳定点。 这也适用于您的图形卡驱动程序,毕竟它们以巨大的可执行文件形式发布。 但是,以防万一,仔细检查此选项并设置一个手动备份点也没有什么坏处。 如果您担心新的驱动程序会破坏您的系统,这是一个很好的习惯。

Click the “Start” button or press the Windows button on your keyboard, then type “Create a restore point” and click the relevant result. Click the “Create” button in the menu.

单击“开始”按钮或按键盘上的Windows按钮,然后键入“创建还原点”,然后单击相关结果。 点击菜单中的“创建”按钮。

Name the restore point whatever you like, such as “Before GPU update.” Adding a date to the description is helpful. Click “Create” and your PC will save all of your installed programs and system settings for an easy reversion.

随便命名恢复点,例如“ GPU更新之前”。 在说明中添加日期会很有帮助。 单击“创建”,您的PC将保存所有已安装的程序和系统设置,以方便还原。

选项一:卸载当前驱动程序并回滚 (Option One: Uninstall Current Drivers and Roll Back)

If the latest drivers aren’t working for you, the easiest way to fix the issue is to simply uninstall them and reinstall the previous driver version. First, download the last version of the driver you know was working from either or —both companies keep a database of driver releases dating back several months at least.

如果最新的驱动程序不适合您,则解决此问题的最简单方法是简单地卸载它们并重新安装以前的驱动程序版本。 首先,从或下载您知道正在使用的驱动程序的最新版本-两家公司都保留了至少几个月前的驱动程序版本数据库。

Once you’ve downloaded the older version, go into your Settings menu and uninstall the newer version. In Windows 8 and later, you can find this by clicking the “Start” button and typing “add or remove programs.” In Windows 7 or earlier, it’s in the Control Panel under “Programs and Features.”

下载旧版本后,进入“设置”菜单并卸载新版本。 在Windows 8和更高版本中,您可以通过单击“开始”按钮并键入“添加或删除程序”来找到它。 在Windows 7或更早版本中,它位于控制面板中的“程序和功能”下。

NVIDIA’s driver package is labelled “NVIDIA Graphics Driver (version number).” For AMD cards, it’s simply labelled “AMD Software.” Click the entry in the list, then “Uninstall,” then follow the on-screen instructions. Once you’re done you’ll probably need to restart Windows, and your screen may flicker or display the wrong resolution.

NVIDIA的驱动程序包标记为“ NVIDIA图形驱动程序(版本号)”。 对于AMD卡,它被简单地标记为“ AMD软件”。 单击列表中的条目,然后单击“卸载”,然后按照屏幕上的说明进行操作。 完成后,您可能需要重新启动Windows,屏幕可能会闪烁或显示错误的分辨率。

When you’re back up and running, double-click the installer package you downloaded for the older version of the driver and follow the on-screen instructions. Your PC should run like it did before the newer version was installed.

备份并运行后,双击为较早版本的驱动程序下载的安装程序包,然后按照屏幕上的说明进行操作。 您的PC应该像安装新版本之前一样运行。

选项二:“清洁”安装新驱动程序 (Option Two: Install The New Drivers “Clean”)

Alternatively, if option one doesn’t work, a “clean” installation of new GPU drivers uninstalls the existing software (plus add-ons like NVIDIA’s PhysX software), resets all settings, and the install the newest version fresh. Both NVIDIA and AMD have this option during the setup process (gee, it’s almost like people have trouble with this sort of thing a lot!).

另外,如果选项不起作用,则“全新”安装新GPU驱动程序会卸载现有软件(以及NVIDIA PhysX软件之类的附加组件),重置所有设置,然后重新安装最新版本。 NVIDIA和AMD在设置过程中都具有此选项(天哪,这几乎就像人们对此类事情有很多麻烦!)。

For NVIDIA, agree to the licencing agreement, then click “Custom (Advanced)” and “Next.” Select “Perform a clean installation” on this screen.

对于NVIDIA,请同意许可协议,然后单击“自定义(高级)”和“下一步”。 在此屏幕上选择“执行全新安装”。

For AMD’s installer, select “Custom install,” then your driver version, then “Clean install” on the following screen.


Again, you’ll probably see your screen flicker or adjust to the wrong resolution a few times during the installation process, and you’ll have to reboot your PC.


选项三:使用还原点 (Option Three: Use Your Restore Point)

If neither of the above techniques help, use your system restore point. If you didn’t make one right before you installed the drivers, your system might have automatically—-or you can revert back to an older date. Your settings and installed programs will be affected, but not the files on your PC themselves.

如果以上两种方法均无帮助,请使用系统还原点。 如果在安装驱动程序之前没有做出正确的选择,则系统可能会自动安装-或您可以恢复到较早的日期。 您的设置和安装的程序将受到影响,但PC本身上的文件不会受到影响。

In Windows 8 or 10, Click the “Start” button, then type “System restore” and click the relevant result. This time, click the button marked “System Restore” under the same heading (just above the middle of the menu). This will open the System Restore program itself, and you can follow the on-screen steps to revert to a more stable point.

在Windows 8或10中,单击“开始”按钮,然后键入“系统还原”,然后单击相关结果。 这次,单击同一标题下的“系统还原”按钮(位于菜单中间上方)。 这将打开“系统还原”程序本身,您可以按照屏幕上的步骤还原到更稳定的位置。

Click “Next,” then click on the restore point that you created above (or an earlier one if that’s not an option—your PC should have at least one automatic point available). Click “Next.” Click “Next” again, making sure that your system drive is enabled (storage driver are optional).

单击“下一步”,然后单击您在上面创建的还原点(如果不是这样,则单击一个较早的还原点-您的PC应该至少有一个自动点可用)。 点击下一步。” 再次单击“下一步”,确保已启用系统驱动器(存储驱动器是可选的)。

Click “Finish” to begin the restore process. Your PC will restart itself and begin reverting to the previous point.

单击“完成”开始还原过程。 您的PC将自行重启,并开始恢复到上一点。

If your drivers are so far gone that you can’t even see the image on your screen or monitor, you’re not out of options yet. You can try , which still has access to the System Restore program even while your PC isn’t operating at its full capacity. If your motherboard has its own monitor output—a place to plug in your monitor in addition to your discrete graphics card—you might need to use it instead in order to see what you’re doing.

如果您的驱动程序已经消失了,甚至无法在屏幕或监视器上看到图像,那么您还没有超出选择范围。 您可以尝试 ,即使您的PC不能满负荷运行,该仍然可以访问“系统还原”程序。 如果您的主板有自己的显示器输出(除了独立显卡之外,还可以插入显示器的位置),则可能需要改用它来查看自己的工作。

核选项:重新安装Windows (The Nuclear Option: Reinstall Windows)

If nothing else works, you can always simply reinstall your copy of Windows and start fresh. Obviously this isn’t an ideal option as it will take a lot of time and you may lose some files, but it’s better than nothing. It’s also a pretty good lesson in keeping a reliable backup.

如果没有其他效果,您总是可以简单地重新安装Windows副本并重新开始。 显然,这不是一个理想的选择,因为它会花费很多时间,并且您可能会丢失一些文件,但是总比没有好。 这也是保持可靠备份的一个很好的教训。

—later versions of Windows are pretty easy to install. If you bought your computer fully-assembled, it probably has a Windows licence code embedded in the motherboard. If not, the code will be with the disc or the email receipt from when you purchased it.

-Windows的更高版本非常容易安装。 如果您购买的是完全组装好的计算机,则其主板中可能嵌入了Windows许可证代码。 如果没有,则代码将随光盘或购买时的电子邮件收据一起提供。

If you’ve gone through all of these steps and you’re still seeing your computer or games crash, it might be a hardware issue with the graphics card itself. You’ll need to take it up with the manufacturer for a replacement or repair.

如果已完成所有这些步骤,但仍然看到计算机或游戏崩溃,则可能是图形卡本身存在硬件问题。 您需要与制造商联系以进行更换或维修。

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